Jamboard is an collaberative whiteboard developed for the Google Suite. It works great when having an online class meeting via Google Meet or Zoom. You can share your screen or invite the students to join your jamboard. They will then have access to adding and editing all in real time.
This resource is 35 different templates that are ready to be created in your Google Account with a single click. You can recreate new blank templates over and over with ease. Simply open the included PDF, choose the template you want and click the "make a copy" link. You can then share your new jamboard with your students. These templates use the background of a jamboard, so your students won't move around the preset theme.
Along with each template is a description on how you can use it. This resource includes the following:
- Two Truths and a Fib
- Guess Who
- Good - Okay - Bad
- Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
- Graffiti Wall
- Four Corners ABCD
- Four Corners Agree-Disagree
- My Spot
- Stop & Sketch
- Three Things
- 3-2-1
- Chalk Talk
- Morning Check In
- See Think Wonder #1
- See Think Wonder #2
- Point of view
- Headline
- Venn Diagram #1
- Venn Diagram #2
- Class Interest Survey
- First, Next, Last
- Beginning, Middle, End
- Plot #1
- Plot #2
- Plot #3
- Storyboard
- Thankful / Grateful
- Notice / Wonder #1
- Notice / Wonder #2
- True / False #1
- True / False #2
- Question for you ABC
- Question for you ABCD
- Make a prediction
Before purchasing, make sure you have access to Jamboard :)