This resource is a full unit that focuses on the Computer in Society. This is a great package that is divided up into 10 lessons (3 lessons and a presentation assignment). Lessons are 75 minutes in length. Each lesson includes teaching material (google slides, google docs) and a lesson or activity related to the lesson topic. This package is related to Computer Society. The unit also includes all assessment pieces.
Each lesson comes with attached resources such as Google Docs, Google Slides, Embed videos and information. For each lesson, the students are given background information and directed to what concepts and information they need to learn. They are then provided worksheets/activities based on the given content.
Everything is editable in Google Docs & Google Slides. For this resource, you will receive powerpoint and PDF files that are ready to use and print. However, these files are formatted and work best in the Google Suite. All the files are sorted nicely in unit folders and in order of usage. However, again, they are all accessible in the Google suite.
This is a “teach and go” package-- it includes EVERYTHING that you need to teach this unit!
This unit covers the following:
> Environmental Effects
> Safe Computing
> Emerging Technologies
> Research Presentation based on student interests.
Please Note: This unit is best used in classrooms that have Smart boards and Chromebooks or iPads available to the students. Look at the preview file for additional information.
**Note:This package is in a ZIP file.